Sunday 8 December 2013

News for Today

Contributed by Matthew Airhunmwunde
1. Vitamin D 'reduces pain and depression' in type 2 diabetic women

2. New studies bring hope to older women wanting improvements in their libido.

3. Estrogen not just produced by the ovaries.

4. African-American college students' hesitation to breast-feed future children likely due to social stigmas against breast-feeding.

5. Maternal depression may influence fetal brain development.

6. TV programs for 8- to 12-year-olds may skew their concepts about gender roles.

7. Counting tumor-attacking immune cells to predict ovarian cancer survival.

8. Some health providers behind death of women

Contributed by Suyog Shelar
Syrian Mothers Anguished by Children's War Trauma 
 In Taking Jobs, Women Take On a Saudi Taboo  [Guyana] Our cultural norms reinforce Gender-Based Violence

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