Friday 1 February 2013

The " Urgent" Problem

Social and educational gap between men and women is still visible. Many women in the world feel the effects of this gap, a lot of women who get a higher education and a good career. In fact the number of women who have a higher education is not comparable to the number of men. No wonder that many a profession has been dominated by men. On this occasion I will share information about the five issues contained in that block women getting higher education opportunities and career.
1.        Cultures that subordinated women
According to Arief Daily Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO, emphasized Cultures that subordinated women are the causes of the difficulty women with a higher education and a career. Arief said that unfortunately this culture is accepted by most of the general public with something reasonable and acceptable
2.         System structure of the schools that do not provide opportunities for women
There are still many who say that women do not need to have a higher education. Women are only considered to have a domestic role as a housewife who will take care of all the problems and needs in the household. But unfortunately, the culture is also a virus that spreads on the structure of the school system
3.         Lack of gender equality
Lack of gender equality is women's issues are also very important. In fact till now there is no strong policy for gender issues. Therefore we need a political revolution which brought the policy is urgently needed
4.        Management households who have not balanced, women are more likely to succumb
Women are more likely to succumb in the care of children and families. Therefore many women do not continue or do suspend their studies because of their roles as mothers. It would require a good household management to women and men have equal opportunities.
5.        Agreements that undermine women's pair
The last but not least, the deal weakens the female partner is one of the barriers women get a higher education and a career. Still there is a woman who is hard to develop themselves, such as the man who will marry her to ask the household alone. The fact is that the agreement is a space limitation and restrictions that make women unable to develop themselves.
Those are some issues that are hindrances women have a higher education and a career. It needs some changes in the structure and policies that protect gender equality in realizing women's emancipation and gender equality in the world

Source  :

By Bella Nabilla

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