Contributed by Linda Thomas
Bengal girl set afire for resisting rape dieshttp://timesofindia.
Woman offered lift in car - gang raped in Haryana
Contributed by Karol Arámbula:
'Women's cycling Tour of Britain 'to offer absolute parity with men' (The Guardian):
'In China, 'Leftover Women' get plastic surgery' (The Daily Beast):
'Twitter U.K. cracks down after threats against women' (CNN Money):
'Decline in traditionally male industries,
economic austerity and better opportunities for women mean more and more
mums bring home the bacon' (The Independent):
'Antioxidant pills 'do not help women conceive' (The Independent):
'Hassan Rouhani: Iran's new president promises advances in women's rights and calls for West to end 'language of sanctions' (The Independent):
'Hibaaq Osman speaks out against Arab governments abandoning women's rights at Aspen Ideas Festival' (The Huffington Post):
'Pregnant women should be encouraged to engage in regular exercise': Working out improves mood and reduces fatigue' (The Daily Mail):
'Do women really watch as much porn as men?' (The Spectator):
'Women leave nest, men stay with parents' (The Wall Street Journal):
'U.N. Warned: Beijing 'maims' men, women, kids' (WND):
'L'Unicef a tiré la sonnette d'alarme samedi sur le
sort de femmes et d'enfants à Homs, dans le centre de la Syrue,
exhortant rebelles et forces du régime de lui permettre d'accéder aux
quelque 400.000 civils bloqués dans la ville' (BRBF):
'Au Liberia, le droit des femmes passe par une police féminisée' (Slate): 74273/liberia-femmes-loi- police
Contributed by Charmaine Peart
local/Domestic-Violence- Shelters-at-Capacity-During- Heat-Wave-218035781.html
Contributed by Agata Blanco Compostela
34 women murdered in Spain this year by their couples or ex couples
http://www.ciudaddemujeres. com/?p=2337
08/02/inenglish/1375467731_ 304374.html
08/01/inenglish/1375376933_ 791559.html
Contributed by Suyog Shelar
Contributed by Charmaine Peart
Opinion: U.S. needs tougher laws to protect against domestic violence
Study: Homeless women in Fort Worth frequently victims of physical, sexual violence
Castro’s non-apology matches society’s excuses for violence against women
UN deploys women protection advisers to curb sexual violence
WENDY MURPHY: Hurting women should be a hate crime
"Comfort Women" Statue Memorializes Local and Global Human Rights Issues
Child custody rights for rapists? Most states have them
PENINSULA PROFILE: Woman aids victims of abuse, domestic violence
Victims of violence
Domestic Violence Shelters at Capacity During Heat Wave by Agata Blanco Compostela
34 women murdered in Spain this year by their couples or ex couples
son 34 los #asesinosmachistas2013
Controversial Brazilian law offers rape victims right to an abortion girl sentenced to one year for having an abortion by Suyog Shelar
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