Monday 25 November 2013

News for Today

Contributed by Megan BirdUN Women Trust Fund to Provide New Grants to 17 Initiatives
Congresswomen Co-Sponsors International Violence Against Women Act
Femicide:Breaking the Silence
Contributed by Matthew Airhunmwunde
1.      Steroid injections given before premature birth may increase child's mental health risks
2.      Sugary drinks linked to endometrial cancer risk after menopause
3.      Why men's noses are bigger than women's
4.      Single gene deletion prompts mutations throughout genome
5.      Lifestyle changes 'could reduce risk' of pregnancy complications
6.      Novel jewelry creation can 'translate sign language into words'
7.      Cold environment makes cancer grow and spread faster
Contributed by Farah Najar Arevalo:

November 25: International Day to end violence against Women:

Women Allegedly Held As Slaves For Years Freed In South London:

Género, oralidad y escritura en Elena Poniatowska

Los tres poderes de GTO se unen contra feminicidios; exigen hasta 70 años de prisión para los culpables

Violación de niña de 6 años en escuela primaria, por parte de otros 4 menores, alarma a padres en Culiacán:

Conapred otorga a la adolescente Malala el Premio Internacional por la Igualdad y la No Discriminación 2013

Mujeres en QRoo también son víctimas de la violencia: Instituto de la Mujer; 3 de cada 10 están en peligro

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