Thursday 30 January 2014

Women’s​ Rights Objectives

It is fast becoming common knowledge that a country cannot develop sustainably without first empowering its women. It has been proven that empowering women fuels thriving economies and spurs productivity and growth. In Cambodia, and worldwide, women are disproportionately affected by natural disasters, wars, land grabbing, climate change and corruption. When women’s rights are not respected in society, progress is stunted- children suffer, families suffer, and the economy suffers.

Women are mistreated the world over. In Cambodia specifically, although the situation is improving, women are still viewed as second-class citizens and violations against women such as rape and domestic violence are often culturally accepted and discounted as ‘family issues’. Exerted effort must be made in Cambodia to honour the rights of women, elevating them to an equal status with men in society.

The main objective of the Women’s Right section is for women to be afforded greater respect and equality in their communities and before the law, through female empowerment, sensitization of communities and local authorities, and increased access to legal advice/representation for female victims/women at risk.

The specific objections are:
-           To combat violence against women and children and to protect them against all forms of discrimination
-           To raise people’s awareness on women’s and children’s rights and at-risk situations-
-           To assist victims in their pursuit of justice and redress
-           To help victims to reintegrate in society and to prevent all forms of discrimination

    Written by Kimleang

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