Sunday 16 February 2014

The Identity Crisis

The purpose of any individual’s life is probably to meet the two bridges called ‘potential’ and ‘present’. Every person strives to become better at something because he knows he is capable of making that difference. But what when you are made to believe that your sole purpose is to be a support system to someone else, that your potential lies in the well being of your husband and he is symbolic of your place in this society. What if you start believing that you are not somebody but somebody’s? It feels sad when an endless number of women who are fortunate to have the rightful resources to create their own destinies step 
back or in other words never step forward. The clear example of an opportunity missed!

There are so many women born in well to do families who are educated, smart, intelligent but the moment the time comes to explore and live their fairy like dreams they are slowly driven into the process of being a good caretaker and learning to live like a lady. So, what is wrong with that? The problem here is draped; it lies in the intentions behind the actions. It indirectly encourages patriarchy. These people often want good looking, well educated brides from a family holding status in society but some of them will never allow them to go out for a job or work on their own saying what is the need as if the only reason to work is to earn cash and the work in itself and a woman’s aspirations aren’t significant. That is the extent of how women suffer from the identity problem irrespective of the economic status she holds. 

The problem is huge not because so many potential action takers are deprived of making an independent life but because in many cases women themselves do not realize what is slowly being done to them until years later when a family member asks them not to speak in family decisions and matters because they don’t know enough and they do not bring anything on the table. That makes a woman vulnerable to living a life of fear and admission like a debater who has well laid arguments in his head but is never called on the stage because someone else is doing that job. It is important for every  woman to decide what her aims and objectives are, to realise her own dreams and admit that she holds an identity of her own no matter what strata of society 
does she come from. The way Charliotte Bronte (Jane Eyre) puts it :

 “I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.”

1 comment:

  1. It is clear that women are caught between prejudices and stereotypes in most of the third world countries. I do agree with you that women are not involved in the family related decisions due to the control of men in societies that are characterized with masculinity.
