Tuesday 24 April 2012

A laugh in April!

Spunk, charm and witty posts fill up Lola Komolafe or “April Laugh”’s intriguing blog. With an interesting tagline of being the continuum of The Story of the Girl Child, the blog promises plenty of bubbly posts and lives up to it to its every promise! Read on to know of the tale of an intriguing and talented writer.
Your blog is described with the line that reads "The Story of the Girl Child continues here." What does it mean? What inspired it?
Basically, The Story of a Girl Child used to be a diary kept under my pillow as a child in a cold room where I grew up at the country side(Ilesha, Nigeria). I guarded that beautiful blue-ribboned diary with the whole of my heart and strength, no one was allowed to read it It was like my daily journal where you can read about how my day went, who harassed me, who dissed me and it is amazing how that has continued on WordPress. Hopefully, overtime it will be a published memoir. The inspiration of my blog comes from wanting to be heard all over the world. I want everybody that gets introduced to my blog to get stuck reading my stories and sharing their wisdom via their comments. It might not be the everyday kinda blog or where you find explicit stuffs but here, I share about God, love, life and everything beautiful in my life.
As a blogger on various aspects of a Girl's life - offering her everything she would need to know, what inspires you?
I’ve been in and still living in so many girl’s shoes, I’ve been loved, been abused, been through so much in life. When I share my story with friends, I realise we have a bond, we have something going on to discuss after being let down or being appreciated. Being a blogger on WordPress gives me a wider possibility to share with a lot of women going through a rough path in finding themselves.
What challenges you? What do you think is your "threat" when it comes to blogging?
The only threat I have with blogging is creating the time! Being able to have a ‘me’ moment, writing my thoughts and publishing seems like a big deal these days. Having a balance challenges me. I’m looking forward to not having to go to my fantastic 9-4 job, just sitting in my house in my pyjamas and getting paid for what I intensely love doing- blogging.
Do you think women are empowered enough, today? What do you think is holding them back, if not?
Women are not empowered enough today. Fear is holding a lot of women back in the realization of their dream and purpose. The fear of what their friends would think about them, what their family would say, what their husbands would react to and the fear of not being a success when they are not even trying at all. The society does not give the women enough room for creativity or actualization of goals, it can be very depressing but giving up on a purpose is not an option either.
What are the biggest challenges for women globally?
The speed of women’s empowerment globally is accelerating but the challenge for them is having a voice and unrelenting support of the society. There’s absolutely nothing hindering any woman to live in the 21st century, live without fear. Accepting to be in charge of their families and issues they need to be actively support. 
What are your aspirations for your blog? Will you start posting again? :)
I look forward to my blog being a community of some sort where people can come together to discuss issues affecting them and finding answers. For me, writing down my problems or talking to people about it is therapeutic. It breaks my heart when people don’t read or comment on posts but I believe that someday my readers will increase and contribute immensely to the growth of my blog. I also look forward to being a blogger full time but I have bills to pay but presently my job is keeping me away from that dream. I’ll definitely start posting again when my holiday is over and when I complete my writing course at the London 
School of Journalism! J

By Kirthi Jayakumar

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