An introduction…
Writing to you from the US may seem questionable at first: A young woman in a society where the emancipated woman has become the norm, what can she possibly understand about oppression? Well, ladies, I would have to agree with you at first glance. It makes sense that America should be a woman’s haven: We have the right to vote, work and choose what we do with our bodies. Our role in the family has slowly turned around, and education has become widely accessible and encouraged for our gender. Yet there are some people of great power who, if they had their way, would put us back in a little box of chores, cooking and childrearing for good.
Fortunately for now I am ecstatic and proud to announce that, as you may know, president Obama has been re-elected for another four years in office. Had he lost presidency to Mr. Mitt Romney, his main opponent in the run, the world of women would have been turned back approximately 50 years: Reversing the progress feminists have made to a bare minimum.
This is an article that appeared in the New York Times newspaper not too long ago, on October 19th, stating the dangers of such a leader to women not only in America but world-wide:
Apparently it isn’t enough that professionally speaking there are on average less women in leadership roles, and the ones that have made it up the corporate ladder are often few and far between; and though their work is as good as any other male counterparts’ they are still paid an average of 30% less.
So, the reason this information is relevant is to let you know that though our issues are not as urgent as the ones you are dealing with over there, issues still exist for women in the so called “first-world” and we’re right here beside you supporting you, and fighting for the day when no limitations will be imposed on us based on our gender.
I dare suggest aiming higher than equality with men, because that also limits us: Perhaps if left to blossom to our full potential we may reach farther than anyone ever before.
The famous American movie star Marilyn Monroe once said: “Women who strive to be equal to men are not ambitious enough.” And while ambition may mean different things to different women, though it may be stifled by the fear of survival and physical violence, it is important that as a woman to know you are an important part of society, and humanity as a whole: In the very least you have the power to give life. And how hopeful for us it is that our simplest biological function is in line with that of God?
By Teodora Cristea
You can follow me for more on twitter @teocristea
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