Tuesday, 15 April 2014

News for Today

Contributed by Karol Arambula:

'So older women don't have sex?' (The Guardian):

'Men and women are equally good at reading partners' sexual satisfaction, new study finds' (The Washington Post):

'Why so few women college presidents' (Forbes):

'Universities focus on 'fixing the women' rather than system to improve gender balance in academia' (Irish Times):

'Binge drinking may be more risky for women' (Guardian LV):

'South Korea and Japan to hold rare official talks on 'comfort women' (Business Insider):

'Equality for women isn't an optional extra' (The Guardian):

'Why can't women be paid as much as men?' (Fool):

'The irreversible journey of Afghan women' (Gulf News):

'Why men are more confident than women' (Forbes):

'We need a women's minister with clout, not another tokenistic exercise' (The Guardian):

'Sexual assault is a crime against women's health' (The Huffington Post):

'What men think of women IT leaders' (SMH):

'Hundreds of Moroccan women take to the streets to demand gender equality' (Think Progress):

'Things about advertising that drive women nuts' (The Globe and Mail):

'Women who are raped should be hanged with their rapists', says Indian politician (Metro UK):

'What gets in the way of supporting women' (Forbes):

'UAE women relish being achievers' (Gulf News):

Contributed by Farah Najar Arévalo

Villalobos tacha de 'tontería' la campaña de protesta denominada 'Abortion Travel': http://www.europapress.es/sociedad/noticia-villalobos-tacha-tonteria-campana-protesta-denominada-abortion-travel-20140410130014.html

Aborto. El psoe aplaude la agencia que permite abortar en el extranjero como respuesta a la “barbaridad” de la ‘ley gallardón’: http://noticias.lainformacion.com/politica/gobierno/aborto-el-psoe-aplaude-la-agencia-que-permite-abortar-en-el-extranjero-como-respuesta-a-la-barbaridad-de-la-ley-gallardon_2ASPAhM9QBBIUmhp6XlV52/

Más de la mitad de los brasileños culpa a la mujer de las violaciones: http://www.eldinamo.cl/2014/03/28/mas-de-la-mitad-de-los-brasilenos-culpa-a-la-mujer-de-las-violaciones/

No ruling in sight from Constitutional Court on abortion legislation: http://elpais.com/elpais/2014/04/14/inenglish/1397466152_546367.html

Purificación Causapié: "La reforma del aborto sustituirá los derechos de las mujeres por negocios solo accesible a quienes tienen dinero para pagarlos": 

Contributed by Suyog Shelar

Rwanda’s women make strides towards equality 20 years after the genocide

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