Contribution by Farah Najar Arevalo
When you call a rape anything but rape, you are just making excuses for rapists
In Turkey, Women Shame Male Passengers With 'Close Your Legs' Twitter Campaign
La mujer que quemó al violador de su hija irá finalmente a la cárcel
Rajasthan teacher 'gang-raped' in school premises, four detained
'Table dance' en el DF: un baile a 'la sombra' de la trata de personas:
Fashion Revolution and Fashion Feminism
Rights for women or corporations? Part 2
Ban Ki-moon, UNICEF condenaron el secuestro de un centenar de niñas en Nigeria: noticias/mundial/ban-ki-moon- unicef-condenaron-/
Se crea la empresa Abortion Travel para protestar contra la reforma al ley de aborto noticias-actualidad/politica/ Se-crea-la-empresa-Abortion- Travel-para-protestar-contra- la-reforma-al-ley-de-aborto-- 0420140424112325-- b0a5eebb0270b60eaacd3224479504 17.html#QlS07sATetg2JLPD
Responsable de educación en Oaxaca publica mujeres desnudas http://www.excelsior. 956079#imagen-4
30 personas han declarado por caso #RedProstitución: PGJDF: http:// mexico/30-personas-han- declarado-por-caso- redprostitucion-pgjdf/?utm_ source=feedburner&utm_medium= email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ AristeguiNoticias+% 28Aristegui+Noticias%29
Matan a golpes a una mujer; ex novio, sospechoso: http://www. 2014/04/26/955921
Contributed by Karol Arámbula:
'Women in trades: Veterans say changes needed to boost numbers' (CBC): women-in-trades-veterans-say- changes-needed-to-boost- numbers-1.2621785
'Papers prove Japan forced women into Second World War brothels, says China' (The Guardian):
'7 Ways women and men experience depression differently' (The Huffington Post):
'Women could be critical to key races, and both parties are going all out to get their voices' (The Washington Post):
'Domestic violence: how the world's first women's refuge saved my life' (The Guardian):
'Is 'the other woman' not safe for men?' (Mashable):
'Five ways men benefit from women's empowerment' (The Huffington Post):
'Breast cancer mammograms: Overrated - and over- diagnosing women' (The Guardina):
'I would have followed them into battle' (Slate):
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