Saturday 29 November 2014

The New York Times echoes the left's pathetic women's rights stance

The recent election results and poll after poll indicate the reality which the Left is either too delusional, or too arrogant, to accept; namely, that most Americans are growing tired of their pathetic and hypocritical "war on women" trash. The New York Times Editorial Board's recent demand that newly-reelected Governor Cuomo make pushing all ten planks of his "Women's Equality Act," with no exceptions, a high priority for his second term clearly reveals just how despicable, hypocritical, and cowardly the Left's claim to be the defender of women truly is.

Cuomo's "Women's Equality Act" would pass in a heartbeat, even with the newly-elected pro-life majority in the state senate, if it only consisted of the first nine planks, and did not slap the tenth and only controversial plank behind the others. The first nine planks involve equal pay for equal work, greater protections against sexual harassment, allowing attorney fees in sex discrimination cases, ending familial status discrimination, ending domestic violence victim housing discrimination, expanding orders of protection, strengthening laws against human trafficking, and ending pregnancy discrimination. Obviously, these nine planks are of critical importance and, just as clearly, they are crucial to improving the lives and protections afforded to women in New York. One could say that anyone opposing these planks, or obstructing their passage, would truly not have the best interests of women in mind. Once passed, these measures would immediately improve the lives of countless women, victims of the most vile and heinous abuses and discrimination, across many situations and categories.

However, these nine measures aimed at protecting women and improving their lives are presently being obstructed by the Left's stubborn, arrogant, hypocritical, and cowardly insistence that the tenth plank should be included, with no exceptions. This last plank would enshrine third trimester abortion into New York State law, and allow non-doctors to perform abortions. The Left, as exemplified by the New York Times Editorial Board, insists that all the planks be passed together, and not individually, because it well knows that the first nine would sail through and the last would be shot down.

Polls indicate that the vast majority of New Yorkers oppose unlimited abortion and non-doctor abortions, and many pro-abortion supporters have argued that at least some parts of these planks be considered separately. In all truth and common sense, anyone who cares anything about women would do whatever they could to get the first nine planks through, and would be willing to compromise 10% of this "Women's Equality Act" to get the other 90% helping women right away.

Why then, would the Left, Governor Cuomo, the New York State Assembly leadership, and the New York Times all call for consideration of the planks as a whole, not individually, and refuse to "abort" this tenth plank to ensure the passage of nine other measures so important to women in the state? The answer is as simple as it is despicable, and that is because all of the above do not care about women as much as they care about jamming their entire agenda down the throats of all New Yorkers. This is not about helping women as much as about using the claim of protecting women to push abortion. Think about it; if this was more about helping a wide array of women in a wide array of situations, considering the planks individually would provide a viable and practical strategy to success. However, if one is more interested about getting unlimited abortions, performable by a wider array of people, then the only way to get that done is to fasten the killing of the unborn to everything else.

The Left argues that its opponents do not care about women because they stop legislation due to a 10% part of that legislation they do not agree with. This is the same Left that refuses to get 90% of those things it deems essential to protecting women because of its stubborn refusal to sacrifice 10% of those measures. A few years ago, New York Mayor Bloomberg initiated a plan to end human trafficking, and his then Deputy Mayor, Carol Robles Roman, was a major point person in that effort. In fact, she networked with a number of people on that campaign, including Gloria Steinem, who is as staunch a pro-abortion advocate as there is. Ms. Roman, is now President and CEO of Legal Momentum, the oldest national non-profit legal organization dedicated to advancing the rights of women and girls. Will Roman call for considering these planks individually to ensure that all of these measures begin helping women as soon as possible? Will the media push Cuomo and the New York State Assembly leadership to do whatever they have to do to begin helping victims of domestic violence, gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and human trafficking, the vast majority of which are women? The answer is simple, and it is no.

The reason for that answer is just as simple, and it is because these folks consider the right to abort an unborn child at any stage and by even non-doctors to be even more important than the other nine planks put together, despite the fact that most New Yorkers and people with common sense devoid of a radical passion to make abortion rights a universal and total sacred right would disagree.

It is hypocrisy, fraud, arrogance, and cowardice to hide one's stubborn obsession with abortion beneath scores of good measures designed to protect women and then demand that everything be passed, accusing those who refuse to pass everything as enemies of women. The recent New York Times Editorial Board statement demanding an all-or-nothing approach to Governor Cuomo's "Women's Equality Act" equates any limits on abortion to domestic abuse, human trafficking, as well as gender and wage discrimination, and is more dangerous to the health and safety of women than any abortion restriction could ever be. The fact that the Left and its cronies stubbornly demand that abortion be included in any measures to help women only illustrates the childish, vile, and despicable hypocrisy of their pathetic "war on women" mantra.


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